The local currency is Rwandan Francs and the exchange rate is approximately Rwf 870 to USD 1 (May 2016). Francs are the only currency for local shopping, but you can exchange your foreign currency in Kigali or at local banks. Different rates of exchange apply for different denomination notes at foreign exchange bureaus, USD 50 and USD 100 will attract a higher rate of exchange.

Please note that Notes printed before 2005 will not be accepted.

Some hotels and restaurants in Kigali will accept USD.

Traveller’s checks can only be changed in Kigali. If you use traveller’s checks ensure that you have the original purchase slips with you from the agent you purchased them from, otherwise you will not be able to change them.

Visa or other credit card facilities are becoming more widely available and certainly in the bigger hotels. You can withdraw cash from ATM’s in Kigali although they are not always working properly and shouldn’t be relied upon!