In Rwanda, mountain gorillas are some of the leading primates that foreign tourists want to see and watch as these primates are close related to the human beings in behavior and movements. These primates are situated or can be found in volcanoes national park of Rwanda, unless otherwise they can also be found in Bwindi impenetrable national park of Uganda and also they can be found in Democratic republic of Congo. As for recent population census that was carried on these gorillas in 2011, they are believed to be having a total population of about 900 mountain gorillas in the whole world of which Rwanda alone is believed to be having a third of these primates. Seven habituated groups are situated in volcanoes slopes of Rwanda alone which brings Rwanda as one of the best leading mountain Gorilla tracking places to go after Uganda and DRC.

There are number of mountain gorillas that include silverback which is said to be weighing about 200 kilograms. Beetsme and Pablo shida are some of the gorilla families with highest number of gorilla individuals alone as these tend to move in high land areas of about 2800 to 4500 meters which makes them strong compared to other families of primates although some tend to move to the nearest national parks of another counties like Rwanda. When you look back at their pregnancy, the female mostly gives birth to a young, tiny primate which takes about 9 months to produce it and weighs about 4 pounds. These young ones after birth tend to hold to the backs of their mothers up to the age of 3years. Then after 3 to 6years later, they tend to be playful, these will start to climb, move all over the tree branches of forests. This creates a good atmosphere for tourists to come and see these primates that are playful in nature and take some photographs.  More so, the naming of these primates a ceremony called Kwita Izina which was introduced by Rwanda tourism board in 2005 when tourism had reached its climax is done on 18 June every year that goes by.

As tourists are going to track these unforgettable primates, one is required to be having license to track these  primates which in tourism terms is called a Gorilla permit which costs around 750 dollars. Total of eight people in a group are required to go and trek these primates plus 56 gorilla permits are available in a day according to the demand of permits by the tourists in a given dry or wet season.

There are number of tourism companies that operate in Rwanda with different safari activities ranging from 2day to 12 gorilla trekking in Rwanda which has called for a number of tourists to came and trek these amazing primates. In doing so, when one reaches his or her beloved lodge or hotel he has booked, he or she is advised to check on the bookings the company they had made for him. As very early in the morning, you will be taken though how the activity will be done by a tour  English speaking guide who will take you though the safely precautions and measures to be taken while tracking these primates.

When you look at these mountain Gorillas, they have faced a number of challenges like poaching by different people of the society the near the national park but also foreign tourists who want to get something out of these primates which has endangered the lives of these wonderful primates plus also affecting the  tourism industry as whole  in the country. For this case, the government of Rwanda has put up strict laws and a governing body aimed at tourism and bad poaching in the country called the Rwanda tourism board.

There are a number lodges and hotels that are situated in and out of volcanoes  national park having different accommodations rates ranging from budget, midrange to luxurious accommodation making booking much easier and affordable to deal with cheaper prices to  pay. Some of the lodges that are situated near the volcanoes national park are Sabinyo lodge, silver back lodge, Virunga lodge, mountain Gorilla lodge etc.