As you plan to visit the African continent, you need to consider many factors during your preparation – make yourself a list of things to do and check everything off as you go along. There are some important things to consider before you head to Africa. In other word, equip your self with safari tips to Africa.

1. Ensure that you move with protective clothing on your safari. Long sleeved shirts help protect your arms from the sun, and long pants will help protect you from mosquitoes. Wearing neutral colored clothing will help you blend in with the surroundings while you are admiring the wildlife, and will help to reflect the sun, keeping you cooler. Protective Cloves are also essential on safaris through the African jungles such as gorilla safaris, golden monkey treks and chimpanzee treks. The jungles normally have have thorns and biting insects. The hiking shoes are also needed since some trails are muddy and become worse in rainy season – African tropical forests are susceptible to rainfall.

2. Remember to carry affordable luggage because your transportation may not allow you carry a lot of luggage. So you need to be conservative! If you are planning to carry specialized equipment that may need a spacious vehicle for your safari please tell your tour operator early enough. In some cases, you may travel by a small plane or boat and not be able to carry more than a few pounds worth (may be 20 or 25).

3 Make sure you pack your basic equipment first and then others. Be sure your gear and clothing is packed in something waterproofed like a duffel bag – Most safari guide services recommend only 2 or 3 days worth of clothing be taken as there will be facilities to do laundry in most camps and Lodges. If you are planning on being in any of the larger African cities with restaurants, they may require more ‘dressy’ attire, so take something appropriate.

Important equipment to move with on your African safari:

Clothing – sweater and jacket, raincoat, jeans, dress pants or skirts (if you plan on going into the city; you might even want to take a tie and some dress shoes), t-shirts, underwear, sports bra, sun protecting hats, socks, hiking shoes.

Miscellaneous – Large handkerchief or headband, oral hygiene supplies, hair care supplies, shaving gear, sun glasses, wash rag, plastic storage bags, sunscreen and insect repellent, medications for allergies, colds and headaches, flashlight, pocket knife, camera and film (this is important – don’t count on getting it there), batteries, small first aid kit, eye drops, lip balm

4. You should plan on visiting your doctor several weeks before your trip to make sure you have the vaccinations and medications you may need. There are some things you may be susceptible to in Africa that you want to guard against.

A Yellow Fever Vaccination Card is required for entry into Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Malaria prophylactics are advisable before entering into a malaria area (particularly Kruger). Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, so take other precautions, too. Avoid Bilharzia (caused by tiny parasites) by not swimming in stagnant rivers or streams.

5. Ensure that you carry enough funds for purchasing some equipment on the safari and if you are a non-resident of Africa, you will need a passport that does not expire for at least six months after your return home. Visas which are acquired before you travel are required in Egypt, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Visas can be obtained upon arrival in Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Also, plan on getting at least the minimum amount of travel insurance to be the safe side.

If you plan a safari in Africa, endeavor to carry some cash with you since ATM machines are not available in some remote places but can be found in some cities/ town. But you can as well move with travelers cheque in small denominations for incidental expenses. Some establishments in the cities also accept international credit cards to obtain local currency.